We have the opportunity to purchase a used Canon Imagepress C1 machine with less than 200k prints for a reasonable price. Just wondering if...
We're about to upgrade our system software from vista to win7 and i was wondering if anyone knows if C1 is compatible with that OS. Even our Canon...
hello im new to this forum , but im here because we are a small startup and we couldnt resist the price on a used c1 imagepress , we just need a...
My company has 17 Canon IR 3220 devices in our offices. These are all installed with ImagePass C1 and C2 RIP's. We have been having issues...
Does anyone have an idea of what the schedule is for the release of the printer driver of Canon ImagePRESS C1(Fiery T1 Server) for the latest Mac...
Have a two-year old Canon ImagePress C1. Not a lot of usage on it, with all software, fiery, etc. Looking to sell. Located in NYC.
Hi, I am currently looking at the Canon C1+ for printing my magazine, your thoughts? Sean
Hi all, I faced this 2 unsolve problem, We spent hours & days, tried many things but still not able to solve this problem, anyone have any ideas...
anyone know where i can sell a used imagepress c1? I don't know much about the specifics. It was purchased in the spring of 2007 for $35,000 and...
hello, I have a image-PASS C1 server working with a Canon IRC3220 printer and have a trouble: In the driver options, if I select A3 size, the...
We have a C1+ that we bought in april - It seems to have 2 reoccuring problems - first, a black "toner spray" appearing on the operators side -...
Printer is located in the Atlanta,GA area. It has 31,483 color impressions and 2090 black impressions. Printer was aquired in December, 2008 and...
We currently have a irc3220 and looking for a replacement. One we're looking at is the C1+ but we are trying to see if there's any comparable...
Hello, we're printing on a C1 with a Fiery-Rip. Sometimes the printer stuck with an error E00670-0880. The Rip send the printing-job...
Canon C1+ brand new for sale! Please email me at bblumedia@gmail.com.
my company has already purchase 1 unit of C1+. The trainer told me that C1+ has a special toner named clear toner, but i dont know how its work....
Where can I find the status of toner ? Sorry for my english ....:P thx
Does anyone else have an IR 5185 with a H1 controller? If so, do you have the following problem? For the past 9 months our copier has...
Anyone have very good sample of the imagePRESS C1+ clear coating sample files to share with me. I like to know how to enhance the clear coating...