Good afternoon, I have a Duplo DBM-400 and gatting a error code 11 meaning"The main motor rotation speed is to slow" any ideas to correct this...
Qm 46 second unit O.P. side, upper knob East and West, bottom North and South second unit only
Yes i do, the piston I thought he was talking about was the one inside the valve, all I wanted was the valve, that's why that is the only thing...
I totally agree, this is why I want to purchase the valve by itself, not the assembly w/ram Where would you getting these pistons if you were...
There is no part # Heidelburg only sells as a set hooked up to a $500.00 Ram, the ram is fine its listed in parts book Y-3 but they consider this...
OK where can I get the piston, valve is cast, piston is plastic I cant find any parts or specs to rebuild?
It is leaking out of the ports then the compressor cant keep up and quits until you have a working pressure And Heidelburg does not sell just the...
I agree a Qm46 is a great 1or 2 color only!
that's how we have to staple these tickets, The fiery is controlling a Cannon its V7000 any help would be appreciated
I did not mean beet in just taping to go that little bit, forms 1 &2 go in fine and tight, I can turn off #3 on a long run and it helps but it...
will try I can barely put the hangar shafts back in now I use a rubber mallet to get them the last 1/8 inch in!
I have over 20 years on the 3302 and can help with any questions or concerns