Training Manual for Your Employee

Discussion in 'Printing Business Practices' started by jasonmoore01, May 2, 2011.

  1. jasonmoore01

    jasonmoore01 Member

    Apr 2011
    Palm Beach Florida, USA
    Your employees count on you to give them the information they need. When you given them high quality training manuals, not only are they more prepared for their jobs at your Palm Beach company, but they will also have more confidence in the way that you will treat them when they work for you. With high quality training manuals you’ll not only hand out basic information, you’ll also give the gift of knowledge.

    Let’s be honest, you might have more employees coming into your Palm Beach business than ever before. People quit and need to be replaced. With training manuals you can create a consistent message for your employees, helping them not only help the new folks out, but also they will be able to see when things change in their own work routine.

    Even when you’re not around to help new employees learn the ropes, the training manuals will represent what you want to teach. You’ll be able to create a dialogue with new employees, helping them feel supported, but the trainers will also feel supported. Instead of just training people to be ‘good,’ your trainers will know what to teach, how to teach it, and what the employees should know at the end of their training.:)
  2. hankville

    hankville New Member

    Feb 2011
    That's all fine and well-intentioned, but when was the last time any of us read a training or orientation manual? LOL Sometimes just sitting down with them and talking is the best way to go, I personally think...