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Screen PlateRite Ultima PT-R 32000 Online System for Quick Sale

Discussion in 'Prepress Equipment for sale' started by ExoticDPS, Aug 7, 2023.

  1. ExoticDPS

    ExoticDPS Member

    Feb 2012
    United Arab Emirates
    Screen PlateRite Ultima PT-R 32000 10.2005
    Exposure Time 3060 Hours / Total Plate Winding Cycles 51200
    Screen AT-M 32000 Bridge – 10.2004
    Glunz & Jenzen Quartz III 150 Plate Processor with Stacker - 03.2006
    Software and Manuals for Glunz & Jenzen Quartz III 150 Plate Processor
    Orion Peltier Chiller EKS 250 for Screen PT-R 32000
    Screen TrueFlow 3 Workflow RIP Software with Manuals
    Compaq Proliant ML 370 RIP Server with USB Dongle for the RIP Software
    Always under Screen Premium Support Service
    Excellent Cosmetic and Working Condition

    Interested? E-mail us to contact@exoticdps.com for more details
