Polar 115XT Air bubbles in hydraulic oil

Discussion in 'Cutters and Trimmers' started by BosRot, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. BosRot

    BosRot Member

    Jan 2015
    South Africa
    I have recently purchased a 2004 Polar 115 XT which was in working condition.
    I have changed the hydraulic oil an the machine (without bleeding the system) and the machine is working. However before replacing the oil cover I noticed how the oil was changing its color to white because of all the air bubbles. As soon as I put my foot on the foot pedal it got even worse.

    Is this because I have not bled the hydraulic system ? How do I bleed the system on this more recent model machine ?

    I have also removed the hydraulic block and changed all the o-rings but this has not made any difference.

    Has anyone got some advice ?
  2. andy martin

    andy martin Senior Member

    Aug 2016
    bradford po
    Change the seals on the pump that is usually where air gets in. This model shouldn't need bleeding but there is usually a bleed port on the clutch ram at the back just above where oil pipe enters the ram