Epson Workforce DWF-7715 - cartridges not recognised - what to do?

Discussion in 'Small Format Inkjet Printers' started by peterspiano, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. peterspiano

    peterspiano New Member

    Jan 2022
    Hi there,

    My 2.5 year old Epson Workforce DWF-7715 (A3/11”x17”) was recently having difficulty printing in color - ghostlike quality. I did a ‘Print Head Cleaning’ about 10 times and wasn’t making any progress - quality looked about the same.

    I bought a ’liquid printer head cleaning set solution’ and followed the instructions meticulously. (JETlifetech ISO9001 and ISO10004 standard ) 1ml liquid into each individual print head via the syringe/silicone-hose. Each time 1 hour to let the solution set in. I placed a new paper-kitchen-towel folded up underneath the print carriage for each one of the 4 head-cleaning procedures. Each time the paper towel was quite stained, but didn’t seem to be overly wet - ie did a good job soaking up the solution/ink.

    Once finished, I violently shook up (figured they’re a few years old, best give them a good shake up) 4 new cartridges and then installed them: not recognised. I thought: let the excess liquid dry, the foam tray under the cartridge carriage had a bit of excess moisture, so I opened up the scanner cover and let the insides dry up overnight.

    In the morning I then moderately shook up another full new set a little and installed them: not recognised. I cotton-swab cleaned the print heads with a bit of rubbing alcohol, checked that the pins on the card-reader for the cartridges were not damaged - they seem to be fine. I even cleaned the chips on the cartridges with rubbing alcohol, which I think was not necessary since they were new.

    Out of curiosity, I put in the last working cartridges which are now practically empty: RECOGNISED! I did a few print-heaed-cleaning rounds, although I doubt it did much good since the cartridges were pretty much empty.

    So then I tried a 3rd set of new cartridges and didn’t shake them up at all. Still: “Ink Cartridge is not recognised. Please replace the Ink Cartridge. BK 27/XL/XXL, C 27XL, M 27XL, Y 27XL”. I’ve been using this one brand/box of non-OEM cartridges with no problems (Tito-Express Platinum Serie ). Is 2.5 years too old for cartridges?

    I’m going to try another brand of non-oem compatible printer cartridges which seem to have a slightly different chip on the side. Maybe the newer ink will do the trick? Otherwise the only logical conclusion is that this print cleaning solution has damaged my printer!

    I do print quite a bit, so even at the risk of damage non-OEM cartridges seem to make sense (OEM is costly!). I’ve been buying non-OEM for 15 years and generally have little to no problem.

    Any ideas? Many thanks for any pointers and apologies for the mini-novel!!!

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
  2. peterspiano

    peterspiano New Member

    Jan 2022
    I have since solved this problem. I'd delete this post if I knew how! Thanks for anyone who read it..
  3. Color Printing Forum Admin

    Color Printing Forum Admin Administrator

    Jul 2006
    Glad you found a solution. Could you share the solution in case anyone else has the same problem?

  4. peterspiano

    peterspiano New Member

    Jan 2022
    Sure: buy another brand of new cartridges. New=no problems with dried up ink (if that's a thing, I can't confirm that it is.). Different Brand = high likelihood that any compatibility issues are sidelined.

    I can't yet confirm either suspected culprit to be the problem, but those were/are my solutions. I still have a bunch of unopened old cartridges that I hope will work once my printer is completely out of the woods (there are still some tiny holes in the print alignment print-out which I am still fixing).

    It turns out that the cleaning solution wasn't the problem at all. Anywho, happy weekend all!