Anybody interested in making a few bucks?

Discussion in 'Print Jobs' started by JohnSlider, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. JohnSlider

    JohnSlider New Member

    Oct 2013
    Greetings friends,

    I apologize if I am not using this part of the board properly. I've been trying to find a local business to help me with this print project, but none of them seem capable of doing it.

    I bought a beanie baby and want to make a custom tag for it. I try to print it at home, but the font keeps getting blurry when I scale my image down. Also, I'm too incompetent to get it to print correctly front/back, and my printer is very low quality.

    I would be willing to PayPal someone here a few bucks + the cost of expenses and shipping if somebody can figure this out and mail me the tags.

    Again, really sorry if this kind of request isn't allowed here. I don't want to start any trouble. :)