what makes You think it's elevated cylinders? I think what You're seeing is roller and blanket problem. The weird pattern in the blue looks to be...
Unfortunately I have not yet.. however I know for a fact it's possible to do.
Are both units on impression? try one at a time and see if You can figure out which unit it happens in
Can anyone help with the following error. E4e11: Expoure head error Detail... E4e11: Time has expired for home return. (Zoom or focus motor)
That is exactly what I'm looking for... now if I could just find where the potentiometer is.. would absolutly feel like a round of applause on...
Both the feeder and delivery.
Thanks for Your reply... it is in fact a 28" and it is both sides.
We end up having to adjust the Delivery Side Joggers to -6 (which is the maximum) on almost every job / size. Is there anyway of making this...
lol that is pretty funny :)
If You call Komori with the serial number.. they fax over the exact pages you're missing.. I do have a similar press but it's a 6 color plus...
which section of the press are you looking for.. page numbers will be different unless it's the same exact year model
try this info... down to the post by Connor