My contact info is 714-292-6912
Here's the location of the fine adjustment for tab blade
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First thing I would do is replace. It looks worn. Check to see if it touches with a new TAB installed. If it does, there is a fine adjustment you...
I noticed buildup on the transfer assist blade. Check that. See if it is touching the pr belt while running. There is a fine adjustment that's...
Check the pretransfer. It looks a little weird in the pic.
When you replaced the PR belt did you replace the cleaner blade also? What does the transfer assist blade look like?
It is something common to all colors.The lines are in the exact same location no matter what color. Are there thin lines etched into the PR belt?
Have you thought about self maintaining it?
Yes it can. Check if there is toner on the lamp.
Check our transfer assy, marks on pr belt transfer assist blade and magnet bar under cleaner assembly.
Getting rid of all my igen 4 parts, assys. Anyone interested give me a call 714-292-6912 Qualitech Digital
Does your igen have the new style HVPS pwbs? The ones with the built in fan on the heatsink of the board?
Nope sorry. Only have blue on mine.