KBA has a part number for this cable which I can share with yout via email address, Below connections are absolutely correct, you can make your...
These (PARKER) servo controllers needs a special serial cable for communication, you can’t acces the controller using 3 wires commutation cable....
As far as I understand from your message, when you press cut switches —> knife moves down —> when Knofe reaches the Bottom —> system reboots My...
Automatic plate change Sequence and Troubleshooting. Machine stops on an angle --> Insert plate --> Plate recognition on Resgister pins (Padus...
Error: Message Number 41 (Final Stage reports error) & Control System Initialization. Feeder Servo drives CPX2573 malfuctions and RED LED keep...
Densitronic Unit Error 1059. [ATTACH] Sequence: Press Run button (Green), Head moves to the reference position (Ref. White Plate), And Shows...
Delivery - Computer monitoring fault This means the communicatio has been disturbed and ARCNET detected error during initilization, Check the ABB...
Hello there, It would be more helpful if you share the pictures as well of the board. For the problem on the machine, share more details with...
Hello there, I hope the problem has been fixed, but for any future issue, post in this forum or send DM or use our email address, and we shall...