I have a three TAM card for the machine polar 76EM where i find that, the PCB is burnt and i'm not sure whats is this and its value(green color small rectangle shaped) someone can tell me the value of this component, it would be appreciated. please check the picture for the component burnt. Here one TAM card is good and the electronics component is not burnt, this is just for the idea I have uploaded the picture, The damaged component is marked with Red color mark. For further information please contact me at this mail, sirajaris18@gmail.com
thanks for the reply brother @diegoeze, you can find in this picture i have marked it with red color. actually its burnt and i couldn't able to find what this actually it is., can you please help me to find it is and the what is the value? because of this scanning is not working
Designation looks like L1, so it is an Inductor. Probably part of a LC filter on the input supply. For it to have burnt up like that, there the board must have been drawing excessive current, so the on board power line is probably shorted. Most likely cause is a bad/shorted Ceramic capacitor on the supply line.
Tha Thank you so much for the reply, can you please say me the value of that inductor? does this inductor can be replaced? if possible kindly advise me the alternate value of this inductor if i couldn't find the actual value. your help is appreciated.
Far more IMPORTANT than the value of the Inductor, is WHY it failed. NO point in putting in a new one, of it is just going to burn up again. There must be almost a full short circuit on the board. !!!! IF you really want to try to fix it yourself (not advisable if you are not 100% sure what you are doing), #1 Find the short IF you don't think there is a short, wire in a 1/2 A fuse instead of the Inductor, and see if it blows. (Do not use a fuse greater than 1 amp !!!) If it does not blow, you could continue to keep running with the fuse, instead of the Inductor. If the Fuse does NOT blow, but the system does not run as expected, then there is probably a fault on the board, finding and fixing that is way to complex to even start to explain in a forum -- well at least, I am not going to try. Get a Professional to repair it, or purchase a replacement board.
Thank you so much for your kind and elaborated reply, sure i will check for the possibility of any problem in the machine before changing this inductor, if there is no problem in machine, i will try fixing fuse and let you know, really am grateful for your support. Thanks again.