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Web printing machine KBA Compacta 213 Price EUR 65000

Discussion in 'Offset & Digital Presses for sale' started by Serhii, Mar 17, 2023.

  1. Serhii

    Serhii New Member

    Mar 2023
    KBA Compacta 213, which prints by heatset printing (with gas drying) on light coated paper with a density of 48 to 65 grams/m2, as well as on coated paper from 70 to 130 grams/m2.

    Printing on light coated paper is ideal for the following types of products: – flyers; – advertising catalogs for supermarket chains; - brochures; - magazines; - Newspapers with high requirements for print quality.

    Competitive advantages of this printing technology:

    • 1. Savings on circulation, starting from 10 thousand A1 sheets.
    • 2. Possibility of printing on light coated paper of reduced weight.
    • 3. High print quality and high folding accuracy.
    • 4. High speed printing, printing large runs in a short time.
    The KBA Compacta 213 is a versatile book/magazine web offset press with single width and single cylinder diameter. Allows for one cycle to receive a notebook with a volume of up to 16 pages of A4 format from one paper sheet.

    • Paper - 40-130 grams/m2
    • Cylinder circumference - 630 mm
    • Paper width - min.840mm, max. 920mm
    • Production speed - 40 thousand rpm / hour
    • Output blocks - 8A3,16A4 4+4
    Price EUR 65000

    The machine is in working order.
    We also consider the possibility of selling for parts.
    Chiller as you can buy separately. 30 000 euros.
    Link to our site.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ukrainer

    Ukrainer Previous User

    Jan 2024
    На рахунок друку то в Києві знайшли хорошу поліграфію https://www.spectra.com.ua/ Спектра відгуки про яку в інтернеті тільки найкращі і дійсно тут можна замовити друк абсолютно на будь яких поверхнях і це все максимально оперативно та ще й і не дорого!