Side Lay and Cylinder Pressure Failure

Discussion in 'Ryobi Printing Presses' started by InkSlinger, Jan 7, 2025.

  1. InkSlinger

    InkSlinger Member

    Jul 2009
    2006 Ryobi 520 has flashing red indicators for both the side lay and printing pressure. These settings are impossible to set in this condition, only rebooting the press (Windows?) will get them back. Cycling the press on and off sometimes takes several attempts to regain operation and clear the flashing red indicators so setting the paper size (side lay position) and thickness can occur.
    Has anyone run into this one?
    Also, can Windows be rebooted from the console without shutting down the press entirely? We're also having a com port issue on reboot that prevents the Ryobi operation console software from loading, so the whole process needs to start again if it doesn't all go.
    Lastly, is there NO backup for the side lay and back cylinder pressure? Seems like there should be.
    Thanks for any input.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025