Sheet wrinkle between units

Discussion in 'Komori Printing Presses' started by AC James Hampton 187, Sep 23, 2024.

  1. AC James Hampton 187

    AC James Hampton 187 Member

    Sep 2024
    Fort Worth Texas
    2014 Komori L G40 5c. We have a problem with text weight stocks wrinkling between the 2 and 3rd unit. This is not a perfector. Grease and Clean gripper pads, none seem to be sluggish or in a bind. Cam followers are new and turn smoothly. So far, the only thing we have found to help is to slow the press down. Turn stock 180, Tumble the stock, no matter which way we turn it there is mostly little to no change. The stock is sometimes fresh off the truck or from the warehouse, sometimes it has been in the press room and fully acclimated. We found there is nothing consistent to which job will wrinkle and which will not. We have moved guide rials and tried different settings on the air bars between units. From all indications it is registering to the head stop and guide well with in tolerance. Any Idea will be appreciated. ** Tail end of the sheet**

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    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024
  2. Isaac1234

    Isaac1234 Member

    Sep 2024
    Costa Rica
    You could check that the pressure of the gripping pliers is equal. Sometimes they open and close well but not with the correct pressure. Could you calibrate the tweezers?
  3. AC James Hampton 187

    AC James Hampton 187 Member

    Sep 2024
    Fort Worth Texas
    Thank you. I will confirm with the operator to find out if this step has been attempted or not.
    Raf77 likes this.
  4. alibryan

    alibryan Senior Member

    May 2014
    There’s either a release problem from the blanket on the 2nd unit (you’ll only get the wrinkling from some jobs because of certain printed images) and/or you have some fatigued or slightly out of adjustment grippers on at least one side of a cylinder, on or following the 2nd unit’s impression cylinder. Does this press have skeleton transfers?

  5. AC James Hampton 187

    AC James Hampton 187 Member

    Sep 2024
    Fort Worth Texas
    Thanks for the input. Just the other day a solution was found. When the operator was turning air off and on to try a reduce it his understanding of which air bar was being controlled was faulty. We found on the air bars at the transfers aa turned off got rid of or created the problem on text weight stocks. So now we turn them off for text runs and it has been going great.