RA104 Computer Software instalaltion

Discussion in 'KBA Printing Presses' started by Koenig, May 9, 2024.

  1. Koenig

    Koenig Member

    Jun 2023
    KBA RA104 computer needs an MS-DOS operating system.
    If the Computer hardware has no issue, follow these Guidelines, following are needed.
    1. Floppy Drive
    2. MS-DOS Disk 1 (MS-DOS 6+)
    3. MS-DOS Disk 2
    4. MS-DOS Disk 3
    5. DISK machine software
    6. Disk Macine paremeters
    Install the software with the above sequence, if the installation is done properly and the computer is connected to the machine, the monitor will display a pink-colored waiting message (right bottom of the monitor), which means the software installation has been done properly and computer waiting for responses from other connected devices. When a response is received the monitor displays the KBA COLORTRONIC screen. Just recheck the machine functions and if needed download the machine parameters or configure them as needed.