Pip failure

Discussion in 'HP Indigo Digital Presses' started by jetscreamer, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. jetscreamer

    jetscreamer Senior Member

    Apr 2009
    Kenilworth australia
    Hi , at the moment I'm only getting on average 15 OO0 per pip on 7r. A new underlayer is on. Service thinks I have a bad batch of pips. I have new pips coming, but does anybody else been through this before with another solution?
  2. Impredisa

    Impredisa Member

    Jul 2021
    El Salvador
    What issues are you having on your printed sheets? so we can have an idea to help you
  3. jetscreamer

    jetscreamer Senior Member

    Apr 2009
    Kenilworth australia
    Image deteriorates between 20 -30 00, doing another 1st transfer and cal has no effect, only changing the pip brings back print quality. Different batches of pip also has no effect. A new underlay has been put on and I showed the service tech and all he said was it looked odd. Could the cleaning station IO be contaminated? I'm not getting any fluctuations in conductivity. I have also fully rebuilt the ink tanks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. cheers

    2.jpg 1.jpg
  4. Impredisa

    Impredisa Member

    Jul 2021
    El Salvador
    Does this effect is present on any color? On the same position?

    - It doesn't seem like IO contaminated but, how are the readings of the Imaging Oil flow?
    - I would like to ask you how many inks do you have installed and if all of them are in use?. I ask this because some times It has happened to me that I turn off a BID due to lack of use but I keep it inside of the press (because of some laziness) then, the deactivated bid engages to the pip, and because it's deactivated it won't show any error, and while the press is working this BID keeps engaged to the PIP damaging it in the process.
    - Check that your PTE is not disconnected, this may lower you PIP lifespan
    - Check your cleaning station rollers are not damaged aswell as your Charge Roller
    - I would like at how many clicks are your bids actually? get them out of your press and inspect all of them, if the developer roller bearings are in good condition, etc.
    - Also it would be nice if you get your ITM drum IR sensor calibrated, it may cause problems while printing.

    That's all I can think of by now, and hope something may work... let me know
  5. jetscreamer

    jetscreamer Senior Member

    Apr 2009
    Kenilworth australia
    affects all colours, different pattern for different pips but always on the bottom half of printed sra3 sheet. Only running 4 cols, cleaning station has a new wetting and sponge roller, charge roller is the type ceramic and is ok. 2 of the bids / development rollers have 1 million so I will change them. Imaging Oil flow is ok according to the wizard. I will check the PTE and ITM drum IR sensor when I get back to work.
  6. Impredisa

    Impredisa Member

    Jul 2021
    El Salvador
    Good... It's is weird that even with different batches of pips the problem stays the same.

    I'm suspecting of a problem with your cleaning station flow, and if not, a mechanical problem.

    If i see it from the cleaning station side, I would check the Cleaning Station oil inlet and outlet, that nothing is obstructing the flow, as for the filters for that press models I use to change them every 800,000 - 900,000 clicks, of course if you do it earlier it is better.

    And for a mechanical side, It would be a 1st or 2nd transfer issue, I know you already did this but..
    how are your 1st transfer settings?,
    do this happens working with different susbtrate thickness or parameters?,
    how much is your blanket temperature settings while printing?,
    Are your ITM and PIP drum carbon brushes in good state? not worn out

    And well, you should ask your service tech to look deep into this problem, because doesn't look like and ordinary day issue.
  7. jetscreamer

    jetscreamer Senior Member

    Apr 2009
    Kenilworth australia
    Getting some better results by flushing out IO.

  8. mantman

    mantman Senior Member

    Nov 2015
    Try out with new IO and new inks