perfing question

Discussion in 'Cutters and Trimmers' started by peels, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. peels

    peels tree killer :)

    Dec 2010
    southeast iowa, usa
    Not sure what area to put this so here goes:

    We have a morgana autocreaser 33. great little machine... But it is QUITE limited, at only 12.6' wide. Often I have to run 8.5x14 with perf across it. Which is impossible, due to the width... It then has to go back on the offset press :( perfing is done lengthwise with a wheel. WHile SCORING is done with a pressure blade crossways as the paper goes through.

    My question: is there a replacement for the creaser blade, that has perfing points on it, instead of the soild crease point?

    THat would be sweet! I googled a little but found very little....

    If not, is there a reasonably priced perfing machine out there, that can do 14 wide??