OKI c9600, open top cover 310

Discussion in 'Other Color Laser Printers & Color Copiers' started by Risu, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Risu

    Risu Senior Member

    May 2012
    A few days ago I tested compatible image drums for Oki.
    When all four new drums installed and I closed the cover
    constant open top cover error appeared.
    Door microswitch is measured, it´s 100% ok, rebooted etc but nothing works.

    This is not the first open cover error for me, first time was manymany years ago.
    Like now, it appeared when drum changed. Couple of Oki techicians spend days with Oki, never fixed it. After many parts replace they changed whole printer.

    Some circuit might be burned from the engine controller?
    Can´t find any burned part thought by eye.

    Have somebody else having samekind of problem?

    Supplier still have no answer for this. Two Okis down now. Yes, I did check the drums with other Oki to be sure :(
  2. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    Hi, yes, there is something about replacing/resetting all drums at once... There is a microfuse (F607, I think) on one of the boards, behind everything, that board is behind everything... The Image Processor Board + Engine Control board must come out, the metal enclosure those boards sit in, must come out, there is a relatively large board, the fuse is on it, on the back so all Drum Drive motors must come out and that actual board must come out. Sadly after all, you can't replace it, there are no specs for it, it is less than 1/8 of an inch in size. I did shortened it once - it worked but it may cause bigger problems when/if more than one drum will be replaced....
    In any case, you're screwed, big time. The labor for the job is about 4 hrs plus whatever the board cost. We have few damaged C9800 printers that we're parting out, I can offer you the board $275 (Mostly to compensate the time it will take to fish it out) If that's something you might be interested in, let me know - I will compare the part number to make sure they're the same. It might take some significant amount of $ to ship to Finland so please take a look in to that.
  3. Risu

    Risu Senior Member

    May 2012
    Hi UnlimitedBt and thank you for your help.

    So far I have located one failured microfuse on the board what you probably did described.
    This burned m.fuse was F506 and I think that it´s a 2Ah (=letter N) fuse.
    Still looking more m.fuses from boards.

    Maybe I weld wires from burned fuse place to get fuse replacement more easier if its going to burn again.

    Oki´s are here only to print poly pressplates, but Oki is so easy to clean/service vs Docucolor 250 that´s why I desided to try Oki´s one more time for some color jobs / for spare machine. If it works ok, I might ask duplex unit from you (if you do have). But it´s other story then. Here is auction tomorrow where is es3640pro, if it´s super cheap I´ll might offer something for it.
  4. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    There is only one fuse that goes,o if you found it - thats should be it. You can short it out, probably, just stick a clearly visible note to the printer to anyone who might replace drums in the future to replace one at the time. I respect how quickly and how deep you went inside that printer, by all means, that is not an easiest place to get to... Did you know that if your drum shows end of the life but print quality is still good you can reset it?
    Let me know if you need info on that.
    I can get you a nice duplex - no problem at all, just make me a reasonable offer, i will try my best to make it happen, just consider that shipping might add to it significantly.
    As far as ES3640, it is pretty much the same engine as C9800 GA (Efi Fiery printcontroller, at least in those sold in North American region+1200 dpi + HDD) but with reader/scanner, nice machines if well taken care of.
  5. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    I am OKI Authorized Service Partner so if you have any questions - ask away.
  6. Risu

    Risu Senior Member

    May 2012
    Years ago, when I did use Oki´s more I reset drums with small 1/16Ah fuse. That was easy, when knowning where drums fuse is located , then no need to open drum unit at all. A new fuse is outside of drum/unit, connected with the old burned one and when the new one is burned then taken away. 5 seconds job. Difficult to explain in English.

    I did use compatible toners as well, but I prefer original. Now I´m testing a bigger copier toners with Oki.

    First I must assemble parts for Oki again.
  7. tps9800

    tps9800 New Member

    Mar 2014
    Hey UnlimitedBT I've been going through all these post and it seems you are the man to ask. I have a Lucidiom eq-9800 machine which I'm pretty sure is a oki c9800 and I need to pick your brain on it if I may. Is there anyway to use oki toners in this machine? I believe the rfid chip is different I tried one and it said incompatible toner but when I put the rfid chip in from the lucidiom toner is recognized it. Is there anyway around this that you know of? I know of someone who put a oki board in it and had to reset everything back up I would rather not do that at this time. I would also like to know how to reset the drums because I have two extra eq-9800 that have full drums that I cant put in this machine because the fuse has been tripped. I mainly use this machine for photo books and folded cards and I have some questions regarding the best way to set color for photo quality. We used these machines at Wolf camera but everything was set up and of course they did not let us learn all that they can do. I know I'm asking alot and I'm sure I have more questions but you seem to know it all about these oki's. If you need pics of the machine or chips just let me know and I will get those to you.
  8. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    Hi. Thanks. The lucidiom is actually C9800, if you print the config page, it will, most likely say C9800 so does the driver. Anyway...
    I can post the instructions as far as DRUM reset but you will need a specific type and Amperedge of a fuse to perform the reset.
    There is no way to workaround the TONER chips issue, If you ship me the formatter I can get that thing to imagine itself back to be OKI - that will come with the charge. As far as how to set the quality - these units are driven by EFI Print Controller, it can be calibrated with densitometer, I really should say - It should be because I never tried this myself.
    Also, there is a potential drawback with resetting the drums - look, as drum ages and count goes up, it looses it's sensitivity so printer is set-up to compensate the charges and exposures, if/when you reset the count on warned out drum - it will affect the print quality, if you're in top quality demand environment, I'd say the brand new one is good till 75% of a first round :)
  9. Jimy

    Jimy Member

    Apr 2014
    Hello UnlimitedBT
    I have an oki C9800 printer with an error code 310. The massage panel is to close the top cover..... so that it is closed..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This code appeared after I installed a fusilble to reset the yellow drum . this machine is almost new and has never problems. I disassembled the switch behind the control panel of the machine, who is responsible for closing of te top cover I think.... I replaced it with the switch of an oki C9650 (it the same I think...) As I have nothing to weld I attached the cables together .. but when I restar the machine always the error code ... please help me ....I do not know what to do ... thank you
  10. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    Hi Jimmy, the board on the back is blown, not only it is on the back - it is behind 2 floors of electronics.
    My experience shows that this happens when users attempt to reset multiple drums at once or do so with the fuse that is of improper miliampege.
    The switch you trying to replace has nothing to do with it, please leave it alone - it is perfectly functioning.
    I can post a documentation to show you which board is bad, this is about 3 - 4 hrs job to disable + replace + assemble back.
    Sorry for a sad news - it is not a switch, machine has a protective circuit that goes off in case there is overcurrent at drum reset leads, that circuit is deeeeeeep inside of the machine so you are in trouble.
  11. Jimy

    Jimy Member

    Apr 2014
    Hi Unlimited BT
    Thanks you for your explanations.
    That help me alot to understand what happen..Thanks you.
    I will wait your post before doing anything again..
  12. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    The board blown called S2M, here is a layout, everything you see has to come out than you will be able to see it - it is a board where all the motors are plugged in to. General recommendation is to replace it also have a professional tech do so, it is about 3 hrs job. What generally bad on it is a microscopic fuse that technically could be shorted... The downside is, in the event something goes wrong with drum reset again, it could trigger a chain reaction and instead of that micro fuse blow, damage could be a lot more significant. Once again - I am giving you some guidance so you'd know what to expect but I'd like to advise you against digging in to the printer so deep yourself unless you have skills/experience/tools to do so.
    Best Regards,

    Attached Files:

  13. Jimy

    Jimy Member

    Apr 2014
    Hi Roman
    Thanks you for your post. what is the name of this microscopic fuse? her reference?
    how i can recognize her?
  14. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    Hi, It is "It" not her :)
    I think it is F506, there is no spec as it is soldered to the board and was not meant to be replaced separately so there is specs on any diagrams. I believe it is on the back of the board, has a marking F506 and it is a tiny component about 2-3 mm in size. I am OKI Certified and trained tech, there is no procedure to it other than replace the board...

    The operator panel displays "Close Cover Top Cover" and "Error Code: 310" when the Help button is pressed.

    The 310 error can be caused by the fuse F506 on the motor driver board, (S2M).
    When this fuse F506 is open, the operator panel will display "Close Cover Top Cover" and "Error Code: 310".

    Once it has been confirmed that the fuse 506 is open you should replace the motor driver board, (S2M), part # 42868111 (This is P/N for C9800 made for North America region, you might have different part number to that board)
  15. Jimy

    Jimy Member

    Apr 2014
    thanks you very much you for all.
  16. Jimy

    Jimy Member

    Apr 2014
    I will follow your indication
  17. keyprofits

    keyprofits New Member

    May 2015
    hinckley, ohio
    I am having issues with our OKI C9600 printer. We have replaced the magenta but it is still saying that the magenta is low. Also, it was printing great and now pulls the paper through but does not print anything at all. Any thoughts? We love this printer and would hate to think that it is dead. Main screen is saying the normal Data Present, Processing, you know all of the normal hapy printing things, then pulls the paper through like printing normally and then it is blank. Hope you can help!
  18. sinnkie686

    sinnkie686 Member

    Nov 2011
    southern africa harare zimbabwe
    Hi all i have a problem with an oki c9655 when i power on on the screen shows a message BRK INST EXECUTE has anyone come across this before??
    It started with a CHECK FUSER message after checking the sensors,motor and the motor drive board i checked the S2X board plugs into the print board i found 1 resistor and 2 fuses that had blown after replacing i started getting BRK INST EXECUTE message
  19. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    Sorry for late reply - open your top cover all the way up, till it stops, start closing it back and watch those LED protection covers/panels, make sure they go away as cover closing.

  20. daveinli

    daveinli Member

    Jan 2008
    new york city, usa
    Hi UnlimitedBT
    I have a pitney DP40S unit, guessing the same as a C9600.
    I lost network and USB and can not get it back in the menus.
    Xante tells me i need a new control board. do you know of a way to either reset the nvram or get back the network without changing out the control board.
    Dave, I am located in Long Island