Need some advice on a Polar 115xt cutter

Discussion in 'Cutters and Trimmers' started by Pixelated, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. Pixelated

    Pixelated New Member

    Sep 2018
    Hi crew, long time tech, newbie to this forum. I've spent many years fixing all kinds of Printing machines mostly Komoris and some Heidelberg presses and a myriad of collators, folding machines, book binding machines [Wohlenberg] as well as Wohlenberg and Perfecta guillotines, basically anything allied to the printing and bookbinding industry.
    So, just need to confirm a couple of things with regard to this Polar.
    The original problem was the typical thing that happens to many LCD monitors in that the ccfl tubes that provide the backlight for the screen had died and the customer could hardly read anything on the screen. This was an easy fix, I had done it before using led strips that run on 12vdc and yes, that part now works perfectly.
    But, after assembling the screen back to the machine and even though you see a message that the touchscreen is connected, the touchscreen does not work.
    A friend over east [Victoria, AU] who is an ex Heidelberg tech, told me that it will tell you that the touchscreen is connected even if it's not plugged in.
    This does add up, as I'm sure that the computer in the machine sees the IC chip on the interface card mounted on the rear of the screen and just assumes that you have actually connected the ribbon cable that runs from the touchscreen to the connector.
    So, if anyone can confirm this for me and maybe have a pic of what's what, that would be most appreciated.
  2. CHOCK

    CHOCK Senior Member

    Dec 2016
    Hi sir
    Hope you are well.
    I can NOT understand 100% your point.
    However in the 1) Polar 115 XT you must measure +5Vdc +24Vdc very well in the tolerance must be o.5% up or down.
    1a) ADA-D-03 board installed installed behind this metal frame,serve as interface between GC2 graphic board and the display.
    2) The Ribbon cable is fact that must be broken,most of the time, try to replace.
    3) the backlight you must sure that is 100% working , attached is there some kind Solder that you must look in the board, for faulty.
    4) Calibration must be carried in Polar XT with touch screen Very important.

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  3. Pixelated

    Pixelated New Member

    Sep 2018
    Hello Sir, I am well thank you. I am not sure what it is that you're not understanding, perhaps you could elaborate.
    With regard point 1, this I can check with my dvm.
    As for replacing the touch ribbon cable, I think that this is near impossible due to how it is attached to the touch panel.
    Yes, backlight is working perfectly
    Calibration, I am not sure how this is done, I only have a service manual for the non touch Polar as per attached pic showing the front page.
    Thank you for your pics, I am well familiar with dry solder joints.
    Perhaps you have a link to where I can get a copy of the xt service manual, or can post a pic of the relevant calibration page.
    Talk again soon :)

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