How can I stop the magenta colour banding on my Epson Worforce-Pro, WF-8510 (A3 Inkjet) printer?

Discussion in 'Medium Format Inkjet Printers' started by ship69, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. ship69

    ship69 New Member

    Oct 2019

    My Epson Worforce-Pro, WF-8510DWF (A3 "Business Inkjet") printer has horizontal developed stripes when printing solid magenta colour.

    Epson want to charge me £352 to fix it. That is more than 50% of entire the cost of the printer. And I simply can't afford that. They say that is the cost to get an engineer out. And that he would need to replace the entire print head.

    Is there any way that I might clean the print head myself?

    Many thanks



  2. xfactor printing

    xfactor printing Senior Member

    Jan 2011
    united states
    Have you already run the print head cleaning from the print driver or the printer's menu 3 times in a row? It wastes a lot of ink, but it's worked for me many times in the past to keep doing it 2-3 times. Is the cleaning station clean or gunky?
  3. ship69

    ship69 New Member

    Oct 2019
    Recent background:
    Yes I spoke to Espon support and I ran a total of SIX print head cleaning cycles, doing the print nozzle check after every 2 cycles. Yes, this wasted a vast amount of ink. Even though the cyan cartridge was still about 25% full, I replaced it with a new one that was both an original Epson cartridge and was well in date. But hothing has helped helped. If anything the problems have gradually become worse.

    No doubt part of the problem is that I haven't been using the printer often enough. I can easily go for a month without using it, and then I might print with it maybe 20 or 30+ times in the next month.

    However I simply can't afford the £358 that Espon want to charge me, so I think the only answer is to clean the heads myself. I have found several cleaning solutions & "printhead cleaning kits":


    A) Printhead Hospital's Print Head Cleaning Kit
    ==> Reasonable reviews on amazon: has 4.6 stars from 629 reviews on

    B) Printers Jack Printhead Cleaner Kit
    ==> Mentions a lot of compatible Epson Workforce Printer printer models
    ==> Only 11 reviews (3.4 stars) on amazon

    C) Magic Bullet printhead cleaner
    ==> only 4.1 stars from 629 reviews on amazon

    D) Octopus Nozzle Cleaner
    ==> Not well reviewed...

    E) Printer Refresh Ltd Printhead Cleaner

    Alternatively, I do have some neat IsoPropyl Alchol??

    Either way on my printer (Epson Workforce-Pro, WF-8510DWF)
    [ ]'s not easy to see how to get at the print head.

    I can pull out the cartridge and maybe just try to gently force some fluid through the hole using a syringe?? But I am nervous. This printer cost me well over £500...

  4. ship69

    ship69 New Member

    Oct 2019
    Just to day that "time is money" and in the end I paid (far, FAR too much) money to Espon to come and fix the darned machine. Over £350.
    The print heads on these machines are extremely inaccessible. And the build quality is pathetic. They are very fragile, very engineer UN-friendly. I should probably have cut my losses and bought something new. I won't be rushing to buy from Espon again.


  5. morris mwenda

    morris mwenda New Member

    Mar 2021
    IMG_20230921_173331.jpg IMG_20230921_173329.jpg IMG_20230920_162030.jpg IMG_20230920_162019.jpg Screenshot_2023-09-21-19-33-22-640-edit_com.aerolla.jpg Screenshot_2023-09-21-19-34-09-938-edit_com.aerolla.jpg Screenshot_2023-09-21-19-35-07-833-edit_com.aerolla.jpg Screenshot_2023-09-21-19-35-29-218-edit_com.aerolla.jpg I have a similar trouble with epson wf c5790. The printer is new and hardly a month old. I activated to chipless mode immediately original cartridges were depleted. And then installed refillable cartridges. All was well and nozzles were perfect. Then hardly a week is over magenta nozzles dissapeared. After several cleaning cycles, yellow also dissapeared. I have tried ink charging, its only vyan and black nozzles that are perfect. Then one magenta block of nozzles comes back in black ink. I am rulling out possibility of blockage of the head since the printer is less than a month old. Please assist. Bellow are some images of the nozzles beginning with the good nozzles immediately after replacing the originals with refillables. To how the trouble started and latest nozzles. Please assist.