Heidelberg Sm 102 - 8 - P5: Floor Requirements

Discussion in 'Heidelberg Printing Presses' started by maverick1971, Dec 4, 2024.

  1. maverick1971

    maverick1971 Senior Member

    Jul 2011
    South Africa
    Hi Everyone,

    We are preparing to install a 1998, Heidelberg SM102-8-P5 press and I need some advice regarding the floor please.

    1. What thickness concrete should the floor be? (min requirements)
    2. What strength of concrete should we use?
    3. Is it advisable to lay an entirely new floor under the whole machine or is it OK to lay strips of concrete beneath where the load bearing points will sit on the floor?

    I am attaching the floor plan for reference.

    Your advice would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.



    Attached Files:

  2. junker1984

    junker1984 Senior Member

    Jan 2010
    US, Midwest
    It’s impossible, on this platform, to discuss the many ways I’ve seen the floor requirements satisfied. What are the soil conditions that you will be pouring your concrete over? That is your first concern. I’ve seen instances where pilings had to be poured down to bedrock. If your building is not sitting on a filled over swamp, you’ll be fine with a double reinforced 15” pad (many of my installations were on 12” pours, with not one problem).
    If you were to choose to set the machine on poured runners rather than a solid pad, your sub surface considerations would also be more critical.
    Pad dimensions would only require full support under the printing units, but if you do that, be sure to pour the pad flush to existing floor, if not, be sure to start your units high enough to accommodate the final leveling of feeder and delivery . Too low, and you’ll be required to start all over with shim blocking under unit leveling feet.
    All that being said, you really should consider hiring a structural engineer who would do core samples.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  3. Adil

    Adil Senior Member

    Nov 2021
    Hi sir
    Heidelberg recommends a minimum concrete thickness of 300 mm (12 inches) for such presses. However, this may vary depending on the soil conditions and the weight of your specific model.
    Constantinos likes this.