Heidelberg CX 102 COLOR AQ LED

Discussion in 'Heidelberg Printing Presses' started by jim hanson, May 30, 2024.

  1. jim hanson

    jim hanson New Member

    Dec 2023
    Madison Wisconsin
    i am trying to run a 25x38 solid in 432 grey on 12pt c1s...i cant get rid of the roller streaks no matter what i do..in the old days i would replace the transparent ink in the 432 with opec white..the thing is they call the trans white "extender" in LED ink, i am unsure if it will work ..i think we are going to try it if possable we are out of options the job looks like hell so we cant sell it like that...anyone have ideas? i tried a double hit it just looked 2x worse, i wasted almost all day and 2500 sheets..also in the old days we also had a saying.."your only as good as your last job' so please help . any input would be appreciated thanks guys
    jim out
  2. Jack liston

    Jack liston Senior Member

    Sep 2019
    Hello Jim do you think you can run as dry solid turn off water see if it looks better
  3. Jack liston

    Jack liston Senior Member

    Sep 2019
    at uv ink is a pain in the *** had similar issues on CD 74 try to give the water distribution one full turn plus

  4. turbotom1052

    turbotom1052 Senior Member

    Oct 2008
    As mentioned already.... try isolating the water unit from the inker by trying to run a dry solid. If it prints better dry you will better know where to focus your efforts even if running dry is NOT an option. If it still streaks dry I would in order.... delta on/delta off. Alcolor integrated/non integrated, try moving oscillation to see if you can't get the worst of the streaks into the gap, check all roller settings both to the plate and to ink vibrators and set on light side, new blanket. Oh yea and the opaque white added to ink thing does work wonders in helping with streaks. You may not need to replace the entire formula of trans white with opaque white, just a portion of it. Also if the form allows it you could run it off of 2 plates but not a double hit with one plate overprinting another but with one plate covering the gripper half of the sheet and another plate covering the tail of the sheet if there is a fold or trim in the middle.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
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