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Excess Ink Inventory,

Discussion in 'Offset & Digital Presses for sale' started by terrymcv, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. terrymcv

    terrymcv Senior Member

    Nov 2009
    Florida USA
    Excess Ink Inventory,
    from Major Printing Co. due to Multi-plant consolidation, & closures

    Approx. 12,000 Lbs of Oil Base Ink

    Must Go Now!
    First $12,500. for the Entire Lot

    Approx. 175 (30 Lb. Tubs, ) All combined colors, including Pantone. Mfd by INX International, Sakata, Japan (5,500 Lbs)
    Approx. 1300 (5 Lb. Containers, ) All combined Colors, including Pantone, from Manufactures, Toyo, Colortec, but mostly Superior Ink ( 6,500 Lbs)

    Approx. half of the Inventory is unopened, half 2/3 full!
    all containers that were exposed, or were less than 50 % full, were discarded!

    90% of larger INK is 2010 and Newer, and mostly newer, 2012 - 2015

    Enough Ink to fill a 40 Foot Trailer, and or a 40 foot Shipping Container

    All ink is now being Offered in mixed color skid Lots ( as is colors, per skid )

    48 (30 Lb. tubs per Skid) approx.1400 Lbs. per skid (3) skids

    approx. 100 ( 5 Lb. containers per skid) approx. 500 Lbs. per skid (13) skids

    Located in Northeast USA
    Have photos
    Loading included

    Terry McVittie
    Florida Equipment Exchange, Inc
    CELL PH: 813-391-3436
    PH: 813-949-7397