Duplo Unit 98H-8003 on DBM 4000 partly burned out

Discussion in 'Collator-Booklet Maker Systems' started by Artiom, Sep 26, 2023.

  1. Artiom

    Artiom New Member

    Sep 2023
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Motherboard (Duplo Unit 98H-8003) is literally burned out.. Started with multi-transistor configuration(Toshiba TD62083AP) and main controller too (99S-84774 its what on the sticker on top. It's number is scratched ..901 ..1 3(5?)864A 0037K SINGAPORE). The reason is that pins on cable to DC-10/60 are messed up by soldering technician.
    What do I need to make it work? Whats the process for programming it? I need same empty chip, program, license soft and programs tool? Do you know such master? Official service have one option - replace it by new for 4k $..

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