Cover Paper

Discussion in 'Print Glossary' started by Color Printing Forum Admin, May 12, 2007.

  1. Color Printing Forum Admin

    Color Printing Forum Admin Administrator

    Jul 2006
    Cover paper weight is determined by weighing 500 20”x26” sheets of cover grade paper.

    To put it another way, the "basis size" for cover paper is 20" x 26"

    Today cover weights vary widely, from 60 lb cover on the light side (a light card stock) to 140 lb cover on the high end.

    Color copiers and color laser printers an typically print up to either 80 lb cover or 100 lb cover depending on the model. 80 lb cover is a common weight for business cards and post cards, with 100 lb usually viewed as slightly nicer for higher end cards.[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]