Canon TM-300 issue

Discussion in 'Large Format Inkjet Printers' started by Taivo Nurmeots, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. Taivo Nurmeots

    Taivo Nurmeots Member

    Mar 2019
    A few days ago, a problem occurred with the Canon TM-300 printer.
    Namely, on Friday I wanted to do a test print with him (at least once a week I print something) and when I sent the file to the printer, the printer started to do nozzle check and then cleaning and again nozzle check, clean and so on and so on. When the printer behaved like this for about 15-20 minutes and there was no end in sight, I was forced to pull the printer's cable out of the wall. The power button on the printer did not work.
    When the printer is turned on again, everything repeats again, the printer can endlessly check the nozzles and then clean, etc. I was then forced to unplug the printer again.
    I researched on the internet how to activate the service mode and I got information about it.
    There I turned off the automatic nozzle check, opened (also closed yesterday) the ink valve, went through the ink filling procedure (worked beautifully), printed out the service nozzle check pattern, everything is fine. Then I adjusted the print head, everything was also ok.
    I pushed the printer button again to exit service mode.
    When I turned it back on, the printer again started doing endless nozzle check-clean-nozzle check-clean, etc. In this way, the printer can suck all the ink cartridges empty and fill the maintenance cartridge as well (once I already reset it under service mode and also cleaned the maintenance cartridge).
    From the service mode I can print everything that can be printed there, the nozzle check printout is perfect, I also did the print head adjustment from the service mode, everything worked.
    Turning the printer off and on again, the same nonsense starts again, the printer wants to clean the print head and then check the nozzles and so on and on.
    Now the printer can be turned off with a button, no need to remove the cable from the back.

    Printer firmware: 1.25

    I would ask the wiser if there is any way to get out of the situation? Reset the printer, etc. do to restore the normal situation?
    Thank you!

    The best,