batch resize pdfs

Discussion in 'Layout, graphics, and prepress Software' started by hoops, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. hoops

    hoops New Member

    Feb 2011
    Looking for a free or inexpensive way to batch resize 100 pdf files (adjust canvas size from 8 x 10 to letter size).

    Any suggestions on pdf batch software?
  2. Jeff

    Jeff Senior Member

    Jul 2006
    Do they need to stay as separate pdfs? For a quite inexpensive price, cutePDF professional would allow you to merge the pdfs into one, then use the resize pages function to resize all pages at once. This is one way to do it at least.

    The big limitation is that cutepdf can only handle medium size pdfs... seems like once you approach 600 MB to 1 GB it's stability is not good at all. So if these are image heavy, it would likely require several separate pdfs / operations.

    Hopefully others will suggest other ways to accomplish the task.
  3. xfactor printing

    xfactor printing Senior Member

    Jan 2011
    united states
    If you don't have software which can batch this with one click, one way would be to set your default pdf writer page size to letter (free cutepdf writer, pdf995, etc.) under printing preferences. The simply print the existing pdfs with the option to "auto rotate and center" - a long way round, but free.

    You can also set cutepdf pro to append, and then print all the files into one master pdf within cutepdf pro (if you can't get them in with the merge images and pdfs option.) Save this combined work pdf. Then you can use the resize pages command to add a margin of specified inches to any side. This is if they don't need to stay as separate pdfs.