Lines keep appearing when I print on block colors that are soft as seen on the picture. What is weird is the lines are not consistent on one side...
One of my operators was making plate when suddenly the plate that came out was not centered. He did not change the setting or make any changes to...
Hello I have heidelberg gto 52 1992 standard dampening system,, the ink build up on the blanket ,, heavy on the sides ( not printed area ) , also...
AGFA EXCALIBUR VLF 2006 === UPGRADED TO AVALON MODEL XT 70 Thermal 360 beam laser. Up to 11 very large plates per hour output min plate...
Hello, I'm looking for a 21 or 22 pin plate punch for my AB Dick 360. So far, I've had no luck with ebay or local source. If anyone has any leads,...
Merigraph Exposure Unit 30"x40" Merigraph Reclaim Unit 30"x48" Merigraph Washout Unit 30"x48" Merigraph Post Exposure Unit 30"x48" Merigraph...
What is a normal term for plate contracts? Does anyone do a 1 or 2 year contract? We are getting ready to sign a plate agreement but leadership...
This is my first time using a metal plate. It ended up getting a small pinhole size bump in the print area. Are there any tricks that anyone knows...
Heidelberg ORIGINAL parts for sale Due to change of machinery , I can offer the following for sale: BRAND NEW Heidelberg Speedmaster52...
Hello. Has anyone got information what is happening with market of QM46-4 plate and their prices? Since PRESSTEK taken over VIM TECHNOLOGIES...
I'm consistently having problems printing solid blacks on my QMDI. Small black fonts and pictures are fine, but once it gets to coverage 1/16”...
The plate in the feeder is moving down but not moving upwards. Machine is KBA Planeta supervariant. Plz reply soon.
Durable platemaker for sale. Our shop upgraded and don't have a use for this one any longer. The following link has the specs on the machine. Will...
Hi, does anyone know whether there are any command on the classic qmdi printing without the inking form rollers to the printing plate ? Thanks...
Looking ideally for an Itek 614 (or such) but need a plate maker that can do paper plates. Just starting a home printing business (although been...
Hi, we are running small ab dick and ryobi 1 color presses with metal plates. What would we need to invest to use the poly plates with a...
I am running a Ryobi 3302M with Mitsabishi direct poly plates. when i run this monthly newsletterr 16,000, 11x17 #60, Black & 185 I always have...
has anyone any tips on how to set the plate clamps on this press? i know they are very sensitive to set and that how they are set affects how the...
Agfa Palladio Computer to Plate System 2002 from Switzerland The software was renewed in the year 2006. System: - Automatische...
Hi everyone. I've just printed a school year book on a komori 528 which consisted of 38 sets of plates to change. Not much fun after a while as...