Color order

Discussion in 'Ink' started by Bill Borcicky, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Bill Borcicky

    Bill Borcicky Senior Member

    Jul 2012
    U.S. Amory, Ms.
    I've been printing now for almost 30 years. I was taught from the start cmyk. no different if printing one color at a time or 4 color all at once. Over the last few years I had been shifting colors around just trying to see the difference. surly I thought , as long as the dots are lined up there should not be much difference at all. WRONG !!
    I had found that as some printers suggest, kmcy is yet to be beaten. the color quality is easily matched with little effort. the quality of print even looks better. the lay of the colors which absorb into the stock and the lay of ink on ink ( in most cases ) proves to match printed samples closer to actual printed samples from laser printers.
    competing with laser printers , printing presses can actually give a run for the money dealing with quality. something customers have been wanting for years. I feel it may not be long before we actually have an ink which will lay on paper similar to what a toner is now. we will then be back in the competitive market for runs as low as 500 quantity.
  2. NotAGooner

    NotAGooner Senior Member

    Dec 2007
    When I was running a 2 color MOZ, I would nearly always run KY first, then CM, and I never had any problem matching the Matchprint EXACTLY. The reason for this sequence was that for MOST jobs, you have more control over the final print if you can adjust CM last, I did this by using a densitometer on the first 2 colors and eyeballed the final two colors. On a 4 color press I mostly ran the orthodox KCMY
  3. turbotom1052

    turbotom1052 Senior Member

    Oct 2008
    I would suggest that the best results in most cases will come from the industry standard K,C,M,Y provided that files have been prepared for that sequence. There comes occasions were you deviate from the standard and if the files are not adjusted for this change problems will be encountered. For example ... ever try laying bold black type down last on top of another color? If files are not adjusted to do this things can get pretty funky looking. Them same plates run with black down first will run no problem.

  4. Yeslek

    Yeslek Member

    Jan 2015
    Nashville TN
    It also depends on the tach rating of the ink. If they are not uni tack you have to run them in the sequence suggested.