Its totally corret what u said on the prévious post.
Did you check the fiber sense? For printing whitout color variations, the right way os on the horizontal...the vertical way, u will have problems...
Vário you know how it works? I work whit sistem vario since is release...25 years ago...the sistem vario, slows down the speed of the...
Check safety finger bars...if that are totaly clean no ink acumulated, if they are on the right position, check the sensors to
Adjust Walter rolets...there's to much water solution delivered to the rolers.
Encoder or motor break problem.
Hi. I did have some problema to. Solved by performing a check up on all the dumpning sistem...check the springs, pneumátics, and if the the...
Its normal...if u know how it works the pressure on those type of press machines. Theres a single pneumátic jack do the 2 moves needed to...
Sorry... I change the position of the boards, and the error dint desapegar, so i unmount all the keyboards boards and clean ir all...and check for...
Normaly are small motores ir errors on ink servomotores,
Initiation screen its normal to have lots of errors... [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
What tipe of issues or problems do u have on the machine? Those are all errors on secondary boards
Thats the first thing to do on Heidelberg clear the error....done it 5 times... already solved the problem...dust and humidity under...
Already in use.