You have to be very committed to do this.. Have you also considered all the postpress stuff? Digital presses in B2 format are still too...
Yes please, i need more details, how do we do it?
Our old and trusty Polar, has begun to do this. If you input eg. 21.00 cm. it dosen't stop at exactly 21.00 cm it can be 19.95 or 20.01 cm. and...
Take a look at: great RIP and workflow for the DI's! Highly recomended
Give-away price!
When you open your top guard(s) please check that the removable guard above the rollers, just next to the imaging unit, is securely fitted and...
Sorry, you are out of luck :( Part no: 535461773 is the old lunch box type of powersupply - hard to impossible to repair Take the powersupply...
I am able to help you out with evaluation and training. Years of experience with as pressman and demonstrator. I even got a Plus model for sale..
Hey Mac, That's a tough one... i would say: if money was no problem i would go for the SM-52 it's a newer construction than the Prz00....
Hi Euni Have owned and operated both presses, i will pick the Roland Practica over the Heidleberg GTO any day! Much better feeder and sidelay...
Hi Sam I would also be able to help you. Years of experience as a pressman and demonstrator. Also a great deal off prepress and press...