Check BUR roll. Inspect a gear. U can attach new without disassemby the machine. U can also check a nvm for a tag13.
Clean area under black drum and check or replace developer.
I think it's a software problem. Download current software, extract and put this file into Altboot folder on your usb drive. Inside altboot folder...
Ok, open the cover (Fiery controller) and you must find and change a battery. Propably is a stardard CMOS battery - CR2032 3V. Good luck.
What kind of print server you have? Fiery, Build-in, FreeFlow? Probably you have a broken battery on motherboard in print server.
press 0 wait 5 second and click start button (green). now type 6789 and confirm.
Hi, check drum. Clean ROS window and check developer module. Firstly run diagnostics mode and run print test pattern (half tone) and check all color.
machine trying to set a belt in postion - 2 unsucessful and change nvm to 3. Replace belt or sticker and run belt learn in diag mode.
741-119 to 0. Before u change it, check the ibt sensors - one is on the edge and second is under belt,
maybe problem is with the fiery cable?
replace fuser, check drums, 1btr and clean lsu.