The issue has been resolved. It turns out that the auxiliary contact next to K005 was the problem.
UWR:Feeder; Non-permissible pile movement upwards,slow While working today, an error message appeared midway through the job. After resetting...
Is there a way to prevent the stroke sensor from detecting, while ensuring the computer doesn't generate errors?
My machine is 2002 R705+LV. Thank you, your response has been very helpful to me. I am currently experiencing issues with the pump stroke sensor....
Sometimes when an error occurs, the machine shuts down. Sometimes it doesn't. We tried swapping this Dosing pump with another machine. The other...
Unfortunately, the same error occurred today. Could this happen if LA8 deteriorates? Is there a way to short-circuit this detection?
I've already solved the problem. It turns out the plug below wasn't inserted properly, causing the error. The M8 plug above and the M8 plug below...
Sorry, because my English isn't too good, I rely on translation software to understand. My machine is R705+LV from 2002. The photo I'm attaching...
I always thought I needed to observe the indicator light of the LA8 solenoid valve because it seemed to be functioning normally when lit. However,...
Delivery,chains lubrication system;pile travel monitor Can you help me identify which indicator light it is? I've taken a photo
my machine is 2002 R705+LV.
Where are the input signals for the oil pressure switches located?
Are you referring to this Delivery,chains lubrication system;pile travel monitor Which unit is this referring to? When I power on, I observe all...
When starting up, always confirm that the indicator lights of each LA8 solenoid valve are normal. I'm not sure what other reasons could cause this...