Hello everyone, it's been years since I've posted here. Does anyone know how I could find out where KORD or KORS machines are still in operation...
Kooj, this reply is probably appearing too late to be of use to you but I have over 10 years experience on the Heidelberg KORD, perhaps I can be...
Hey guys, I need a little more help. We're finally getting around to purchasing a conductivity meter. Looking at this website...
eagle1, turbotom suggested that you use a packing gauge. I have to agree - in fact, I think that using a packing gauge is an absolute must. Don't...
My shop uses an old Challenge Champion 30-1/2" cutter. My question is, what setting should I be using for the clamp pressure? Right now I have it...
eagleI, thanks for that. That's exactly what I was looking for! Much appreciated...
First, thanks to the owners/moderators of this forum for starting this category. It's very handy to have a dedicated "ink" topic placed here....
Hopefully some of you reading this will be old enough to remember color key proofing. A friend of mine came across a four-color process color key...
Hello, how about a separate section for discussion of offset printing inks? This forum is a fantastic resource, but I noticed that this topic is...
Hey HopDevil, how you doing with your Multi 1650XE? I'm a pressman with 40+ years of press experience and I just went to work for a place with a...
Hello nashibd, I just found this thread - I see that it's been almost a full year since you posted your request. I have exactly what you need -...