I have written several times that you should check the amount of IPA in the solution and set it to max.5%. Did you do it? If there was a lot of...
In my opinion it is a surface tension problem. I've seen this before. 10-15% IPA is a lot by default, we print between 3-5%. If the alcohol...
clean the protective plate, wash the filter with water
have you checked the IPA content? I have seen this at very high IPA values.
of at least 2 printing units. 1 layer is not enough and cannot be overloaded
it is useless to have the right ink film thickness if it does not produce the required Lab values. The target is always the right colour, e.g. iso...
does not produce waste
it is also possible that the printing plate is faulty (oxidised). Insufficient preservation at the time of preparation or IPA % to low.
The feeder head housing has 2 sensors. It needs to be set to the factory value
hybrid is better, you can keep costs down if you don't need uv ink.
UV varnish only cures when irradiated. There is uv drying before varnishing? the varnish must not get on the grippers... send photos of the...
ok. But I don't understand. Why the gripper freeze????
Frozen Grippers??? If you move the grippers, you cannot restore the pre tenzion
In large format (KBA 162-164), we cannot abandon the use of IPA, but we use it in a significantly smaller proportion (3-5%) than before (8-12%).
Dear JeffLim Ah Chua, exactly, this is the basis of the standard.