I understand. What would the range of instrument be? Is one that goes up to 25μm ok or does it need to be a wider range. I have actually been...
OK. I had figured that out, just wanted to know if it was normal. This press is new to us. A 1997 model that was babied by one owner since new. It...
W0w turbotom, this is very interesting. Can you give a rough guide for the ink film thickness so I can know what kind of gauge to buy until I can...
Thank you all so much! What do you think of what I said about when I hit the stop feed button and all the ink and water forms lift, is that...
great! Like you said, the manual is a starting point. That is why I like to ask these questions on the forum so I can learn to be a "true...
Hmm, Hopefully I understand the process. It seems to me that you get the metering roller where it is being flooded with fountain solution. Then...
I am very interested to learn all I can about this water system as we just bought a 3304H. I am glad to hear someone say it is good.
I tried the calcium slayer and I have a problem with it that perhaps you can help me know how to solve. This is both when I use it on our web...
We will give it a try. By the way I am in the states so don't be boggled by our lack of wash up blades.
I actually have some calcium slayer. I don't know how to use it without a washup blade which I don't have. We just strip what is on the rollers...
Very interesting. We have an old Harris V15A web press that has copper rollers. Is this a temporary thing or does it last for a while. Also what...
Travis, Did you ever find any info on the TOK?
Well that would be great if you do have something on the TOK. Thank you for the help.
Thank you Travis, It seems like there is no water form. Just one huge form for both ink and water. The question is how do you change the roller...
Can anyone help me with setting rollers on a TOK. I am trying to help a friend with his press. He is specifically having problem with the...