Seems that one of 24 volt power supply boards is not getting power
Hi I have a Heidelberg sm 102. I was washing the rollers the other day and the press just stopped all of a sudden the display on the press went...
How do I reset the sak board
All fixed broken proximity sensor on washer
Ok so we wanted to take the unit 3 blanket washer out to clean it but there is a locking arm for the perfector in the way. I went to the console...
I run lithrone s40/ LS-540 SN- 556 Every time I wash the blankets number 2 unit gets a cloth jam error I have checked everything and it all is...
SM 1o2 4 p3, 1998 Serial number- 541214
Hi i have a 4 color SM 102 perfector. I’m trying to put my press in perfect I’m getting Assignment of reversing/storage drum error and the press...
Did you ever figure this out because I’m having the issue.
Hi i am having the same issue on my sm 102 4 color perfector. How do i change the machine mecanically to straight mode? My press is locked up and...