starting a printing press

Discussion in 'Printing Business Practices' started by jonajim3, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. jonajim3

    jonajim3 New Member

    Oct 2009
    Abuja, Nigeria
    Hi, I just started a corporate branding outfit but because i don't do any printing, I've been outsourcing every major business and if I have to make any commision no matter how little, clients always complain of the increased pricing so i end up simply running errands for the printers.
    I really enjoy the branding business but will also want to take home some pay after my projects, so i've decided to start my own printing press. The problem is i know next to nothing about the machines and money involved. Found this forum while surfing the web for information.
    I really need help with this.

    Jonajim consult