Rip-It Speedsetterx2 problems

Discussion in 'Platemaking' started by VanQuill-Printing, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. VanQuill-Printing

    VanQuill-Printing Member

    Jan 2010
    Pacific Northwest
    We have been having to pre-run a scrap piece of plate material through prior to processing any plates. If you don't there us exposed water drip run marks that start at the lead edge of the plate and fad out only after about an inch or two but it usually always falls withing our image area. I think this is a build of of developer condensation where it first comes into the processing unit. When we are not using it we take off the lid to the bridge section because after awhile it starts building up condensation on the inside of the lid.
  2. Library Printer

    Library Printer Member

    Dec 2009
    USA Pacific Northwest
    We had the same problem with our RipIt. There is not enough air flow to keep condensation from developing in the first processor unit. It stopped happening when we moved the machine to a cooler area in the basement. Leaving the lid up when not in use takes care of it, or wipe the intake area before the first plate.