Help: Blurred Image

Discussion in 'HP Indigo Digital Presses' started by Jono318, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Jono318

    Jono318 Member

    Jul 2015
    Sydney - Australia
    Does anyone know what causes image blurring as shown in the attached photo?
    I've replaced the PIP, RR, WR, Bias Contacts, Squeegee, rebuilt the ink, changed grids, performed LUT and have had no success.

    I had an old squeegee that has gone incredibly soft which I tried in the machine, it improves slightly but is still not right. I have tried 3 new squeegee's all from different batches and keep getting the blurred print.

    Can anyone offer any advise?

    Thanks in advance.

    Attached Files:

  2. Kringle

    Kringle Member

    Oct 2013
    California USA
    Not sure which machine you have, my reference is a 3050.

    I'm sure you tried these things, but just in case.... Did you clean the glass shield over the laser, try a different paper, change out the impression film and run an image transfer calibration? If the squeegee helped, it may be because you are getting too much I/O on the pip. Maybe try a flow calibration and check the integrity of the rubber seal on the itm hood where the suction occurs (it's where the hood meets the frame on the drive side of the machine). We once had a torn seal and the problems drove us mad for an entire week.

    Is the image blurred on the blanket, or is the blur happening during transfer to the paper? Is it any different on thick or thin stocks?
  3. printdog

    printdog New Member

    Mar 2016
    sacramento, ca, United States
    I would change the gripper pads on the impression cylinder. When they get worn you can have this problem
  4. Jono318

    Jono318 Member

    Jul 2015
    Sydney - Australia
    Thanks guys for the replies. I'm going to have a play with the I/O flow as I think Kringle might be right about too much I/O being on the PIP. I will post a reply later today and let you know how it goes.

    We have cleaned the glass over the laser, changing impression film or stock doesn't help. The image is blurred on the blanket so I don't think the problem is related to the substrate.

    If we override and increase the grid voltage and operating window the image gets slightly better.
  5. Kringle

    Kringle Member

    Oct 2013
    California USA
    Also, try bypassing or replacing one of the scorotron units one by one. Maybe you have a jacked scorotron unit? Also, in your cleaning station, make sure your foam roller is good. These start to get low spots in them and can cause issues as well with the metering of the I/O.

  6. michal

    michal Member

    May 2012
    UK / Poland
    Usually its too much imaging oil on a pip drum. Its nothing with inks, bids, scolortons.
    Make sure you have wiper blade in cleaning station blade - usually that makes this blured image and cleaning station oil flow is good like other guys mentored.
    Check that cleaning station or blade fits properly