PrePress Pros - A question please

Discussion in 'Other RIPs' started by OkiTech, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. OkiTech

    OkiTech Senior Member

    Jan 2008
    If someone would offer me a Harlequin RIP ScriptWorks version 5, what exactly does it do? May be a stupidest question ever but I am more of a printer service tech, I've run a 1-2 color presses, fixed them etc. but did not dive in to the whole pre-press thing but would like to learn everything I could. I know what the RIP is but the question is - the ScriptWorks what does it do? What type of equipment can it drive? Am I even asking the right question? I mean I have a KM Bizhub C65HC with Creo RIP, I have another one with EFi Fiery Pro 80 RIp so that is obvious that those RIPs designed to drive those Bizhubs... If I google it, it takes me directly to RTI RIps website where they do not offer(or I did not find) any particular information.
    Thanks in advance.